Donald replied

257 weeks ago

I dont think many lawsuits go far with regards to Chinese companies copying products, i remember when there was a Chinese copy of a BMW suv, BMW got nowhere with a suit against the company that did it :/

thomas L charles replied

257 weeks ago

If you can't find real Lego, or don't like seeing scammers and the scum of Ebay, I would use search filters. Filter for brands that say specifically Lego, and Ebay will show those only. Or, if you're looking for an expensive set, set a price range in your search so you don't see the cheap knockoffs but rather only real ones that are still at good prices.

PRICE replied

257 weeks ago

I asked Bali about that, when we met in LEGO House, and he said that they are "trying hard" and it's "very challenging" or something similar. He did not comment on me saying that more than one year ago they said that they will have "something to show" in "one year", so it seems that it's not quite going as planned. And I'm not sure that they said that they put in law suit, I think that this year was meant for collecting data and preparing lawsuit.

PRICE replied

257 weeks ago

It was also my impression that focus is currently not so much on Lepin, but on current not-so-high-growth situation, which doesnt seem to be connected to Lepin case. Upon askig they said that they had really good growth in China and emerging markets and that they have trouble in more "traditional" areas (where Lepin is not really a threat, but they did not said that directly).

landsideicy replied

257 weeks ago

Counterfeit ≠ competition. Counterfeit products are pretty much never good. How do we know theres not unsafe levels of lead in the plastic like they did with their toothpaste? It undermines investment and R&D, stifles innovation and quality control and can really hurt and even kill people.

PARKER replied

257 weeks ago

As I said, in some ways it's good. At no point did I say theft was good. Some of the Chinese clone Lego blocks have good kits in their own right and are perfectly legitimate. It's about time Lego got some competition and if this is how and where it starts that's good. I'm not advocating theft I'm saying the Chinese clone could do the stuff we all want which Lego doesn't or won't do. If you look at xinbau they have some cracking military sets, others have great alternative Star was sets, etc

Donald replied

257 weeks ago

Even if they didn't copy or clone again, if they made their own original content, they still did those things and it should give serious pause to any Lego enthusiast regarding where they spend their money. And even if all of those unmentionable 'brands' never stole specific sets, content or ideas ever again they still stole the original format for all of the bricks and figures. There's nothing that says that all the thousands of bricks and figures have to have the same exact dimensions and compatibility as their competitor, thats not competing its still stealing the base product. It doesn't matter if one definitively says theft is good or bad, spending money with these companies is complicit in and supportive of their theft.

Jons Maradona replied

256 weeks ago

Very cool toy but not very easy to put together. Instructions were not completely clear as I had to assist my 5-year-old son with putting this together. He loves the toy and plays with it all the time. It is not something I would want him to take apart as it takes quite a while to put it together.
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