Donald replied

256 weeks ago

The dragon card sagame1688 mobile formula is a great formula and all the known gamblers have tried it. And found the most results, which is a way for you to make money because it's a very easy-to-remember formula. The form of using the Dragon card formula is if the cards coming out on one side are not continuous in many eyes Whether to be the banker's side or the player's side. For example, if the danger comes out from the banker's side from the beginning until the 4-5th eye, the next eye with the use of this formula is You can bet on the banker's side. Because the form of the dragon card formula is the length or the number of cards that have the same length as the dragon itself. Sagame66 In addition to the Dragon card formula, there is another formula that I would like to recommend and it is the second most popular formula that is not inferior to the Dragon card formula sagame1688. Remember, in this style of playing, the cards have to be swapped out. The same bouncing of the ping-pong balls, For example, if going out to the banker side 3 times, then 4-6 times the next player's side for the seventh time. The cards come back out to the banker side for another 2-3 times the next time with confidence. That Thailand will have to leave on the players for sure, so this type of gameplay requires us to observe in order to use the correct formula We will be able to easily make money from playing baccarat card games. If you want to know more details please visit here sagame1688
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